Trademark Watching

Watch your trademark after registration

Make sure your trademark is adequately protected.

A number of factors must be taken into consideration in order to protect a trademark, brand name, product name, or organisation, necessitating far more than a straightforward registration process. One of the most crucial phases after trademark registration is Right Trademark monitoring service, which enables you to keep track of any attempts to register trademarks that are identical to or confusingly similar to yours. This kind of circumstance can occasionally even be produced on purpose by a third party who, for whatever motive, wants to harm your brand, as is the case with attempts at counterfeiting.


RTM offers a service called Trademark Watch that keeps track on trademarks across all domains. Any identical or related trademarks owned by third parties can be found using this service. This search is crucial from a strategic standpoint since it enables you to spot and keep an eye on trademark applications that may undercut your own brand. It is also highly helpful for spotting imitations and reacting to them.

Your brand and company may lose value if another identical or confusingly similar trademark already exists. This is due to the possibility that buyers can mistake the commercial origins of both trademarks, endangering your company’s success. Our Trademark Watch Service offers ongoing trademark application monitoring and enables prompt response to any discovered imitation.

Any firm or person who views their trademarks as a valuable asset for their operation is advised to use our Trademark Watch Service. With the help of this service, you may keep track of new trademark applications and subsequently defend the rights that your own brand grants.

With the aid of the most cutting-edge technology available, RTM teams of professionals guarantee continuous monitoring of Industrial Property Bulletins and are always on the lookout for new applications that can adversely affect your trademark. You will always have access to the most effective methods for combating imitations with our assistance.
It should be noted that each jurisdiction’s trademark watch service covers the whole world, including all nations where new trademarks have been published.

RTM employs highly skilled teams to guarantee the best hallmark watch service at the local, regional, national, and international levels. We always give you the finest legal retaliation tactics to use in the event that imitations were found throughout the course of the inquiry.

How does a patented watch function?

RTM teams examine the official bulletins listing new trademarks each day and keep an eye on the market to spot any activity that could tarnish or infringe on your brand. To maintain ongoing surveillance, we rely on a sizable network of contacts as well as the newest cutting-edge technologies.

In order to give you activity reports and indicators identifying the trademarks that might have an impact on your business, we combine algorithms and technological platforms. In that regard, we examine:

Using a Trademark Watch Service

phonologically similar characters, words, or phrases that can allude to your brand.

Similar or identical images or visual components to yours.

Using a Trademark Watch Service


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