Trademark Renewal


Trademark renewal

Requests for trademark renewal can be submitted up to six months before the registration or renewal expires. The Registrar will send a notice to the registered trademark owner prior to the last registration of a trademark expirin g, serving as a reminder of the expiration and the requirements for fee payment. The Registrar may withdraw the trademark from the trademark register if the registration is not obtained in accordance with the required circumstances.

If the trademark renewal request date is missed, it may be filed in the specified way and with a late filing fee within six months of the registration's expiration or renewal, as applicable.

There are two ways to renew a trademark:

1. You can request a renewal to alter any wording or sign in an already registered trademark;
2. You can request a renewal without making any changes.

We also offer a service for renewing trademarks. Requests for trademark renewal may be submitted up to six months before your registered trademark expires. The registered trademark owner will get a renewal reminder notification from the registrar prior to the expiration. The registrar will delete the trademark from the trademark registry if it hasn't been renewed.

There is a grace period of three months to process a trademark renewal request if it is submitted after the deadline has passed, however the Ministry will charge a late renewal fee.



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